Leave It to Beaver: Farewell to Penny (1962)
Season 5, Episode 15
12 March 2024
Dick Conway (who passed in 2002), the master writer for sitcoms, had to have been influenced by all those romantic comedy movies Doris Day starred in. We loved her. In fact.... listen when Wally mentions Cary Grant and Doris Day. There you have it!

Cleverly written for teenagers, pretty Penny Woods (played so well by Karen Sue Trent) is leaving the neighborhood, relocating to another school --and its good bye to all, including Beaver. Here's the rub.... if you followed the series, Beave had a love/hate relationship with Penny, but you know, deep down inside, he kinda' liked her in his own way.

Penny was your 60s teen "surfer girl slash dream girl," and with an attitude. Karen played this role to perfection. Accordingly, since Penny is leaving, Beave's real feelings come out... and watch what happens. Shades of PILLOW TALK, starring Doris Day and Rock Hudson? Whitey (Stanley Fafara) is in this one too, sort of playing a juvenile Tony Randall-type role? All this has to make you chuckle.

Special guest star is famous Jean Vander Pyl, playing Penny's mom. Jean was the long time voice of Wilma on the FLINTSTONES and Rosie the robot maid on the JETSONS. On a sad note, Karen Sue Trent about a year after this story, was injured in an episode of the RIFLEMAN and gave up acting altogether. She passed in Florida in 2022.

Again, many thanks to Dick Conway. 10 Star episode if there ever was one. SEASON 5 EPISODE 15 remastered.
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