Complete and total fiction
12 March 2024
What the liberal Democrat-Socialists of America want you to believe about their orchestrated cover up of their "coup" to steal the US Presidential Election for Joe Biden / the Deep State / uniparty/ ruling class.

The "riot" started when US Capitol police let protesters into the rotunda and then Antifa broke in by force to the lower gallery.

This was all done to derail the efforts of "Tea Party" Republican Senators to challenge the election results in AZ, GA , MI , PA and WI were there were widespread irregularities with mail in ballots and voting machines by Dominion.

When Ted Cruz initiated proceedings to challenge the AZ results, that's when the rioting started.

The truth is Nancy Pelosi wanted this Chaos and had illegal meetings with Mark Milley and pentagon officials to make sure there was not National Guard or US Army troops that might be loyal to President rather than US Capitol Police who are under the Speaker's control.

The producers of this film should put out a statement apologizing to the Country for their Purely Partisan portrayal depicted. They should also pull the film from HBO streaming service for inaccurate information.

Complete garbage.
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