CW level at best. Past Prime Full Moon Features level at worst
13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Simply put, this "trailer" is the worst thing I've seen in years. This is bad since the people behind it aim to compete against Hollywood and in particular Marvel and DC. The worst movies those studios have to offer are both better than whatever this was. The sets looked strangely set up (I.e. Six or so children and adults at a press conference for a huge company). The grading of the video makes it look ugly and lifeless like the "story". It reminds me of a satirical healthcare commercial you'd see in a Saw movie. The trailer also switches perspectives very confusingly, starting off with Isom's perspective and then suddenly switching to Yaira's. I literally had no idea of what went on in this trailer story wise except for the fact that this "Yaira" character is evil and I do not like her at all. She's like a villain Rocky Balboa would fight in the Rocky Porn parody. And by fight I mean... Anyways, I'd also like to mention the main actress' horrible and hilarious accent. It is so thick and heavy it is comedic. The actress herself seems to be okay otherwise so I wish she went with an accent 80% less thick. So many other points I can make that have already been made. I'll just end with this- I was up in the air about buying Yaira before. And I certainly don't have any intention of buying Yaira now. Unfortunately, the Cult of Rippaverse continues to elevate talentless grifters who don't actually have anything of substance to add to cinema/comics/etc. Go watch something like "Psycho Goreman" instead, which has a comic book like feel and is very fun and well made even with a small budget.
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