I like it!
14 March 2024
This movie feels like a full-on Coen Brothers musical, reminiscent of the rich musical tapestry found in "Inside Llewyn Davis." It's got that classic Coen style with sharp, witty dialogue that really brings out the cultural vibe. Clooney, Nelson, and Turturro bring their A-game, adding tons of charisma against the backdrop of a meticulously crafted southern setting.

Sure, there are some moments where CGI feels a bit out of place, but the use of Deakins' color palette really saves the day, keeping the visuals on point. There's this one scene with a car hitting a cow that looks so real, it actually made the American Humane Association take notice. Despite some reliance on animation, the movie's stunning cinematography and quirky humor make it hard to resist.

This flick takes one of America's darkest times and turns it into a wild, hilarious adventure filled with cow calamities. What's not to love about such bold storytelling?
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