Invincible: This Must Come as a Shock (2024)
Season 2, Episode 5
Not what it once was
15 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show used to be amazing. Gritty but not overly grotesque for a comics show. Twists and turns but it always felt like the writers had a solid direction. Character interactions that mattered. All of that is pretty much gone. People always say that main character deaths make the story more meaningful but, when you kill off main and side characters every episode, and then backfill them, it's hard to feel attached to any of them or get any semblance of continuity. There are so many storylines going on at once it's hard to keep up with. Had an episode about alternate realities and a new super villain and he just disappears. Alan the Alien finally gets some story only to be left to die and we hear nothing at all. New villains left and right that seemingly just jump out of nowhere. It's like the show is overcompensating because they know that two seasons over the course of 3 years is unacceptable. And it would be better if there wasn't multi-year gaps between content, but there is. This will be the last episode I watch. The fall off from this show should be studied.
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