15 March 2024
I didn't like it. I didn't rate Part One much and this was slightly worse. The great themes that underpinned the novel were completely absent here, the undercurrents and interplay of the various groups that shored up the imperial system. The Guild was absent. The Bene Gesserit were a shadow of their actual selves.

As for the actors playing the parts, well the Emperor just didn't seem right. He looked like a tired old man and not an authority figure. We saw Margot but where was the Count in this installment? Timothée Chalamet was not a convincing Paul Atreides.

Lip synching in the invented languages was carelessly done. I'm going deaf and I pay particular attention to spoken dialogue matching the mouth movements which is why I never watch dubbed shows or films. On some occasions when characters switched language in one scene, it was really obvious that a different voice had been speaking the invented language and not the actor at all.

I'm not going to post spoilers so I draw a veil over the deviations from the book which were unnecessary and detracted from the story being told.

Do you know what? I prefer the TV adaptation! I'm going to look that up and watch it to remove the bad taste this version has left.
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