An Inspiring Directorial Debut
16 March 2024
One sentence summary: A woman returns to the national park that tormented her childhood to accept a position as a backcountry ranger.

Lovely, Dark, and Deep isn't a movie that should be viewed with a entirely literal mindset, instead it is one of the rare films that allows the audience to draw their own conclusions as to the meaning of the story. My thematic understanding was that tragedy often leaves one feeling isolated, but dwelling in your past only leads to anguish, terror, and self-doubt. Teresa Sutherland's directorial debut falls securely under the arthouse umbrella. However, the movie's heart, combined with its beautiful visuals and a stunning turn from Georgina Campbell, should give everyone something to enjoy. Although I recognize that this genre isn't some people's cup of tea, sometimes the emotion a film elicits should supersede a total understanding of the material.
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