Heartbeat (2023– )
10 for Ok Taecyeon, 5 for story, 7 for moving resolution=7
17 March 2024
A vampire falls in love, loses his love and dedicates his eternity to searching for her reincarnation and a way to become human and experience with her the flutter of a heartbeat when in love.

As the alpha vampire, his crew is dubious but loyal. And very very funny. The method involves an excruciating century-long stay in a caustic wooden coffin that burns the eternal out of him. But he gets the coffin, climbs inside and says bye bye till the end of 100 years to the day he starts.

His mansion persists over time managed by a human butler and his descendants, the last of whom is a down-on-her-luck girl in need of a crash pad in an emergency. One day short of a century, she discovers the coffin, flips the lid and wakes Taecyeon before the utransformation is complete.

Neither fish nor fowl, he discovers his powers are not what they were, his existence is uncertain and the girl refuses to leave his pad.

Frankly, I watched the whole series to see OT, and his interactions with veteran comic actors. The premise and the actors are quite funny. And the ending, while not the usual, is very satisfying given the vampire's desire to be human. What is more humane than altruism?
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