Screen One: A Foreign Field (1993)
Season 5, Episode 2
One of the greatest dramas of all time.
18 March 2024
A group of Veterans arrive in Normandy to commemorate The 50th a anniversary of D Day, two ex soldiers, one British, one American are both looking for their wartime romance, unfortunately it's the same woman.

What can I say that hasn't been said before, one of those dramas, that beats any cinema release. Compelling, funny, moving, a time where nobody else made dramas like The BBC.

When I'm asked to detail my favourite dramas, this is always in the mix, it genuinely doesn't get any better than this.

There are so many incredible scenes, the pilgrimage, the scene in the shop, and of course there's that alone chilling moment where we learn Amos's story, I was genuinely choked.

Roy Clarke, or Keeping up Appearances and Last of The Summer Wine game, who'd have thought he'd pen something so utterly compelling.

Whenever you see the name Alec Guinness in the opening credits of anything, you know what to expect, and true enough he is phenomenal, but the supporting cast of Leo McKern, Lauren Bacall, Geraldine Chaplin, Jeanne Moreau, John Randolph and Edward Herrmann, all are sublime. Sorry it's an exhaustive list, but all deserve a mention.

Sublime drama. How about a commercial release of The Screen one series?

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