Great art direction
18 March 2024
Even the low rated reviews say the show is dark - so it means something! ;) Great montage, use of music and filters makes this show very unique and stand out. Presented story is layered with great respect to audience - you have clues but not obvious explanation. Some threads are unexplained at all and for me it's great in building mystery. People have problem with narrative - I think it's because of not definitive hero and not linear plot (time jumps - of course there is text explaining it each time) which is again a great way of show mystery and unsettling situations from different perspectives. Boogiepop have this "2000-anime" loss of quality in terms of animation but not very drastic - that's not action movie but philosophical take on human weaknesses, so come on. For me - show has only one downside - it has not a narrative loop that could close a series. I think people are little disappointed at the end because show does not add the meaning of every character to the main story/ situation, it should be all more connected than it is.
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