How Bad is This?
19 March 2024
Genuine question - because I'm not really sure...

Firstly, I must say that I saw the softcore original dubbed into English (on Arrow) without the hardcore inserts that transformed it into "L'Insatiable Samantha". Whether they make it "better" or "worse" I can't therefore say.

However, as others have noted, the voice cast for the dub are the *worst* I have ever heard. Emotions (where present at all) are all over the place - not to mention the accents. Trying to get beyond that to judge the dialogue itself is really quite difficult - but I ended up concluding that the script (in any language) would be classed as "pretty poor". Looking beyond the script and dialogue into the acting itself, I also concluded that this was often quite bad also - for example, the occasional histrionics on show.

Assuming that the mild lesbianism won't be enough for you, the main impressive aspect of all this is in the cinematography, sets and costumes. It really does *look* like the kind of gothic horror/melodrama that one used to get from Hammer and their european equivalents. However, the plot feels like a "let's make this up as we go along" type, with the ultimate clue being the absurdly long expositionary confession at the end, which was presumably intended to explain everything, tie up all the loose ends and (probably) tell the cast what they'd been doing for the previous few weeks.

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