Definition of a monster
20 March 2024
Indian Predator: The Diary of a Serial Killer

A guy named Ram Niranjan who had changed his name to Raja Kolander, from Kol community, who committed the most heinous crime by killing 14 people allegedly. Firstly, he killed a journalist, after the investigation at his farm house, police recovered a diary named Raja's Diary which shows he had also killed 13 others. He also cut their body parts and spread them at different locations in the city.

I always wonder how brutal a human being can be, why. But later on, after the arrest, he continues to deny all the allegations against him. He is still spending his time in jail in Uttar Pradesh.

He also ate the bodies of people he killed, and boiled their brains and intestines and drank it like soup. Because he felt like he would get the powers and abilities of those dead people, which is totally a psychopathic behaviour, no doubt in that.

Although charges of cannibalism against him were not proven, he along with his wife Phoolan Devi and his brother in law, are in jail for life imprisonment.
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