Leave It to Beaver: The Yard Birds (1962)
Season 5, Episode 32
21 March 2024
Work comes first, even on a SATURDAY! How many of us kids could relate to this episode back in the day, having to do work on a day off from school! How awful! Another Dick Conway gem, and another lesson to be learned.

Wally and Beave have to cancel their Saturday plans to clean up around the house. Naturally, Eddie and Lumpy swing by and there's problems. The guys get sidetracked BIG TIME and miss calling the man to pick up all the trash.

Not to fear! Eddie suggests they dump it all in Lumpy's car and haul it away.... But where do they haul it? How about a nice, vacant lot that belongs to someone else?

Can't get away that easy and Wally and Beave are in a mess. Look for popular character actor Bartlett Robinson as Mr. Hill. Robinson was everywhere on tv in a variety of roles, usually businessmen or bosses.

Murphy's Law and Luck strikes again and yes... Had Beave and Wally had NO chores on Saturday, Eddie and Lumpy would have never shown up! Right?

Classic material from SEASON 5 EPISODE 32 remastered.
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