Better skip it
21 March 2024
The movie is not worth our quality time and hard earned money. There are many key points missing from the movie. Many critical facts have been eliminated. This movie is just a biased view of certain people who want to defame certain caste, group, religion etc.. and cause unrest and misunderstandings among the citizens of the country.

Films need to be made for entertainment so that the mind is relaxed, and also for educational purposes. This movie misses out on both of these. Such films should not be encouraged.

We can skip this film and have some educational or entertaining movie. We as sensible individuals have many responsibilitues to be fulfilled towards professional life, family, friends, country etc.. and spending time for movies like this will not only waste our time but also disturb our peaceful minds.

India has always been a democracy and will continue to be in the future. Ours is a great developing country known for its kindness, generosity, peaceful attitude and mainly "UNITY IN DIVERSITY" This has been our motto since the beginning. We have come this far UNITED and will surely become the next superpower with our hardwork, intelligence and generosity.

Never ever encourage political party people who try to divide the citizens and cause unrest, hatred, communal riots among us and in return they fulfil their own selfish needs. They do not care about the country's wellbeing, they only care about their own self. Lastly I would like end this by quoting the proverb: UMITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL.
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