Review of Bandidos

Bandidos (2024– )
Light Fun Treasure Hunt
22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I actually loved this light fun treasure hunt Bandidos short drama of only 7 episodes. Featuring a rag-tag group that was put together, each having their own task to round out the team, my favorite turned out to be the 17-18 yr old (turns 18 while on the hunt), heir to the hotel and the computer whiz who can hack into anything, has no parental supervision, lives by himself in the hotel Presidential suite, plays games all day and starts out as a virgin. He is the most comical, and was recruited of course by the older more criminal element - some who are connected and related to top archeologist. It's just fun to watch, not too violent. A twist at the end so watch to the very last second w/o turning off too early.

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