Road House (2024)
Hugely disappointing and terrible CGI
22 March 2024
I was quite excited to watch this after some of the promo interviews the cast have all done together. They all keep saying how they feel this film does justice to the memory of Patrick Swayze.

The film starts off promising but has confusing fight CGI which is hugely apparent to the eye. I'm unsure as to why this decision was taken to go that way when a standard fight scene would have worked much better.

The casting is clearly forced and that's all I will say on that. After 15 or so minutes the story deteriorates with some pretty poor dialogue.

Conor McGregor did reasonably well in his acting debut and literally just plays himself which makes it fun. However, there was no need to keep constantly smiling which, in my opinion, kills the authenticity of his acting. Overall he did make me laugh at times. His character could have had much better dialogue.

I can't say much more about this movie as it was utter rubbish and probably Jake Gyllenhaal's worst film in a long while.

Is it worth wasting 121 mins of your life watching this crap? I don't think so. Sadly, it's a huge flop, and it does not do the original film any justice whatsoever.
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