tyrell is having a bad day !
23 March 2024
After spending the night with a girl he met in a bar, tyrell's day goes straight downhill. And why is his date so bashful in the morning, when they just spent the night together?? It turns out his date was a mob kingpin's daughter. So now, everyone is after him, even his girlfriend. Tyrell spends a lot of time walking and sitting, contemplating. Feeling sorry for himself. We do see don kick-boxer wilson kick some ass now and then, and the mafia boss in a silly outfit making lots of threats. It's okay. Moves pretty slowly. We connect (sort of) with tyrell, and feel his pain, but not a lot of story here. We do see lots of florida scenery; bridges, waterfronts, palm trees. The acting is mostly good, and the story moves along, but it's pretty thin. With the expected showdown at the end, which is over in about a minute. By the way... mister mcgetty is the landlord, who wants the rent. Directed by michael baumgarten.... has had some hits and some misses.
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