A film that stays with you long after the end credits roll
23 March 2024
Late night with the devil is beautifully shot, claustrophobic and suspensful. There is strong social commentary throughout around the ultimate cost of fame. The film is both orginial and experimental, it never plays it safe (no boring horror tropes here).

The satanic horror films of the past couple of years have fallen rather flat, this is a truly refreshing take.

The performance by the lead is exceptional, Jack is a character that is a complex and mutli facetted, David Dastmalchian has the perfect mannerisms to pull that off, i certianly want to see him in more roles. The actress who plays Lilly is also unnervingly brilliant.

This is a 1970s love-in, a nostalgic throwback and a real homage to true Horror royalties in Rosemary's baby and Exorcist. Think King of Comedy meets those two. I would make clear although this is horror it is more sprinkled with horror elements, if you go into it expecting constant scares you may be a little disappointed. The story builds gradually but the pay off is well worth it.

This is a movie that is a treat to experience and one that stays with you long after the final credits roll. You are the audience and tonight we are connecting with the devil...
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