Worth watching if your an adult
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

Well another fun ecchi anime. So the story is simple boy meets girl. Girl meets boy. Girl is from another planet and a princess. Girl has to go back. Boy follows. But the twist is he ends up having to save her world as a ring bearer. He ends up with 5 wives. Which is amazing. Out away your typical human society norms. Think of it logically. What species on this planet is solely monogamous beside humans? You could say a few penguins and Albatrosses but honestly that's not really true. Yes the mate with the same mate year after year provided they return. But they are away from each other for 8 months out of the year. So not 24/7/365 monogamy.

All predator mammals are either solo like bears or jaguars or tigers. But most are in packs, prides, clans, groups. So humans really should be what I call Poly Monogamous which means small family group. This group can be made up of any number if adults. But typically it would be 1-2 males and 4-6 females. Think about it things like chores would be easy because so many people would be able to clean. Or maybe two adults stay home and take care of the house while the others work. You would have more money to spend and save so you can go on more vacations. You would not be forced to be with one person forever. We need variety and maybe you and one wife enjoy horror films while another wife and you enjoy sushi and another wife and you enjoy football. You would be able to have a much more fulfilling life.

Honestly I am all for having more wives. This show is adult but it is also funny and has a decent story for what it is. So if you like adult anime and silly storylines and don't mind a bit if nudity then this show is a good show to watch. It isn't amazing but worth at least one watch through. Take care all and have a nice day and remember to treat others with respect and kindness.
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