The Gentlemen: Where's My Weed At? (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
Freddie's gotta go
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Gentleman is an excellent show. The quality of each episode is comparable to a motion picture. The show is fast paced and a fun adventure. Edward and Susie are perfect counterparts to each other.

But after only 3 episodes, the role of Freddie borders on moronic. Freddie is the addict Amrit older brother who has no self control nor common sense. He ruins everything he touches - and for no reason except brotherly pity, Edward keeps trusting Freddie to follow simple instructions. But he can't. He's an idiot. Eddie undermines his own intelligence by continuing to let Freddie screw something up every episode.

It's already getting old. I'll keep watching for the entertainment value of the rest of the offering of this clever show. But the Freddie incompetence storyline degrades the show's trust with the viewer in my opinion. And employing a similarly ignorant pothead Jimmy who uncovers the secret operations is equally unrealistic.
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