Population: 11 (2024– )
Utter dreck
26 March 2024
Couldn't tell if this was an Australian show meant for American audiences or an American show filmed in Australia. Either way, I couldn't have been more bored.

The premise, though, is intriguing. Hey, it's a tiny town of 12 people (one is missing from the get-go, hence the title) in rural Australia. Okay, cool. At least we'll get some spectacular scenery.

Then, to my horror, I realize the "star" is none other than Ben Feldman, playing exactly the same character that he did in Superstore. You know, always nervous, lots of hand waving, overly polite. Haven't seen his other work but apparently he only knows how to act one way.

Well, the Australians have got to be better, right? Um, no. It's like the producer said "make everybody wacky. No, wackier! No, ten times wackier!" Ugh, the whole thing ends up being more boring than if they all just sat in the bar, watching cricket.

Look, ONE wacky character in a group of normal people is funny and exciting and intriguing. But every single person being weirder and zanier than the rest makes this a comic book (no offense to comic books). The viewer is left to conclude that it's a miracle that these people can feed and dress themselves, to say nothing of paying their bills.

As for the mystery... well I only got 4 episodes in and threw in the towel. I don't really care what happened to the missing guy and whatever the other "woah OMG twists" were. All I wanted was for. Jonah to STFU and go home, already.

But yeah, the few outdoor shots were beautiful. Wow *golf clap* you did one thing right, and literally all you had to do was point the camera because nature did all the work.
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