Becker (1998–2004)
Season 1-4 Great
27 March 2024
The first 4 seasons are great. The show was very ahead of it's time. Great humor, both on the nose and edgy (by todays standards, normal back then) with solid character development. Dr. Becker is both the worlds most caring doctor but also the biggest jerk. However after season 4, they fire Reggie (the main love interest/ foil) and replace her with Chris. Chris was supposed to be a temporary character, but they fired Reggie and were forced to keep Chris for the sake of having a female side character/potential love interest.

Everyone hates Chris. Not a dig at the actress, she plays her role well but to just throw away 4 seasons of development between Becker and Reggie to then force something with a new character who is a more obnoxious version of Reggie is just too much. It's beyond obvious a lot of her dialogue was written for Reggie prior to the actress being canned, so seeing Chris make references to psychology or "knifing Becker fit years" just comes off very wrong.

Season 6 is even worse as the show loses yet another veteran character and replace him with another forced stand in. Bob "goes on vacation" only to never come back, so we get his "temporary replacement" Hector filling in for the rest of the season. Hector's lines were clearly written for Bob until the actor was dropped and they needed a last minute stand in. Sadly the overall humor of the show declines as they focus too much on flushing out relationships and speed character development along for the new/stand in characters.

Watch season 1-4 as they are great. Maybe season 5 if you're bored enough but don't waste your time with season 6. There's a reason CBS canceled the show halfway through this season.
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