The Lady from Winnetka
29 March 2024
I do wonder if this story might have worked more if it was set in South or Central America.

Ellen Baird is an attractive older American woman on holiday to a Mediterranean island with her husband.

She ends up having a fling with young Tavo. A gigolo that made himself helpful to both of them.

When her husband needs to go to London for business reasons. Tavo makes his play. He wants to go to America. He wants Ellen to divorce her husband, marry him and so they can get a visa. Otherwise he will tell her husband about their affair.

In a violent struggle Ellen ends up killing Tavo accidentally. As the police investigate, Tavo's aunt arrives. She makes Ellen an offer. That she will tell the police that Tavo became infatuated with Ellen. That he hatched a scheme to get to America, all for $10,000. Or else she will tells the police that she schemed her nephew's murder.

It was interesting how everyone in this Island off the Italian coast are opportunistic graspers. They might be poor but this drama makes them out to be amoral. Picking on rich Americans.
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