Cranford (2007–2009)
29 March 2024
This is one of those shows where there's no subtelty in the acting of the ladies in which the show is centered around. With a few exceptions. Now that I write that, I can't recall the exceptions. They all play their parts in a trite, silly and overdone manner, which completely detracts from what little action is unfolding around them. Judy Dench was competent but certainly not exceptional. The same could be said for her sister. There's some lovely ladies to be sure, which sustains interest for a while. But enentually I was overcome by the horrendous overacting of the rest of the cast. I'm as a loss as to why the creators would wish to portray the cast as such. How they could not notice that it was dragging the whole affair into mediocrity is confounding. No further details required, as I'm positive you get the gist. Watch it. See if I'm wrong.
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