Side Effects (I) (2013)
A complex and tedious psychological thriller
31 March 2024
"Side Effects" (2013), directed by Steven Soderbergh, is a psychological thriller that promises a complex plot but may leave viewers divided. With an intricate storyline and a series of twists and turns, the film challenges viewers to stay engaged as they try to keep up with the events unfolding on screen.

The plot follows Emily Taylor (played by Rooney Mara), a woman whose life is turned upside down after her husband, Martin (Channing Tatum), is arrested for insider trading. As Emily struggles to cope with her situation, she seeks psychiatric help and is put on a series of medications to treat her depression. However, when the side effects of these medications begin to manifest in bizarre and potentially dangerous ways, confusion and chaos ensue.

The film explores themes such as manipulation, betrayal, and greed, but its execution may leave something to be desired for some viewers. The plot twists may feel forced or hard to believe, and the complexity of the storyline can be challenging to follow, especially for those who prefer a more straightforward and accessible narrative.

Additionally, the soundtrack composed by Thomas Newman, while well-produced, may not be to everyone's liking, with its music often not aligning with the tone of the film or interfering with the overall experience.

In summary, "Side Effects" is a film that may divide opinions. While it offers an intriguing story and solid performances from the cast, its complex plot and some questionable stylistic choices may alienate some viewers. Those who enjoy a challenging mystery and are willing to overlook some execution flaws may find something to enjoy in this psychological thriller.
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