The Traitors NZ (2023– )
New Zealand Falls Short of Franchise Grandeur
31 March 2024
As a fervent enthusiast of "The Traitors" series, having indulged in both seasons from the US, UK, and Australia, I approached "The Traitors - New Zealand" with high expectations. This show, at its core, presents an engrossing battle of wits, where 'the Faithful' strive to identify 'the Traitors' amidst their ranks. However, I found the first season of the New Zealand iteration to be underwhelming. My disappointment stems not from the concept, which remains compelling, but from the apparent budget constraints that starkly contrast with the grandeur of its counterparts. One of the series' charms has always been its setting, which plays a crucial role in creating an atmosphere of suspense and grandiosity. Unfortunately, "The Traitors - New Zealand" falls short in this regard. The participants are confined to small, sparsely decorated rooms for their daily congregations, a far cry from the majestic Andross Castle that graced the US and UK versions. This shift not only diminishes the show's visual appeal but also, I suspect, impacts the contestants' experience and, by extension, the viewers'. In a country with a population of approximately 5 million, the limitations of a small market are evident in the New Zealand version's production values. It's a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by smaller Commonwealth countries in matching the production quality of larger nations. The scenic backdrop, an element of the show that could have been its saving grace, also fails to captivate, further compounding the disappointment. Despite these criticisms, my affection for the franchise remains undimmed. I believe with adequate support and investment, "The Traitors - New Zealand" could yet capture the essence that makes this series so enthralling. It might be time for the show's fans to rally, possibly through a GoFundMe, to bolster the production budget, ensuring the New Zealand iteration can stand tall among its illustrious predecessors.
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