Incredible Version of Daisy but Disappointing Overall
1 April 2024
I have always believed that The Great Gatsby is one of the most fascinating and complex stories in fictional history. This adaptation has some strong points but is overall disappointing. Starting off, the story is obviously great since it is an adaptation of the novel. The dialogue here is actually very strong and I think it even enhances some of the scenes from the original book. I also believe that this is the best version of Daisy when it comes to the way this story has been told. The movie isn't restricted to Nick's point of view and we actually get to spend some more time with Daisy by herself and with Gatsby and I think it helps to flesh her out more than other versions. I always thought Daisy was such a compelling character and I love how she was explored here. It also has more scenes showing the dynamic between Tom, Daisy, and their daughter which I appreciate because she feels like an afterthought in other versions of this story, when I believe she is a driving force in Daisy's arc. However there are some issues I have with this version. The energy just isn't there. The film kind of drags and it isn't as fun or engaging as the book or the 2013 movie. The cast is a mixed bag here. I think that Gatsby, Daisy, and Jordan were all great. However Nick and Tom were both embarrassingly miscasted. Tom wasn't the evil force that he should be and he wasn't even that threatening. Nick was just a wet blanket. His dynamic with Gatsby fell completely flat in this version and the actors didn't have any chemistry together. You don't feel the love and admiration that Nick is supposed to have for Gatsby, which is a problem because it is his main character trait. Due to that the ending just doesn't hit like it's supposed to. There are a couple cool shots, like the scene with Gatsby and Daisy's reflection in the fish tank, but for the most part the directing and editing isn't very good. The movie just looks bland, especially compared to the vibrant and glamorous 2013 version. The characters also have sweat dripping from them in every scene which is very weird. It's got some good things but isn't great overall.
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