The Good Doctor: Measure of Intelligence (2021)
Season 5, Episode 3
Not happy either with the new boss
2 April 2024
I agree with the other comments here about Salen.

She's manipulative, invasive, and a micro-manager, and she's everything I personally loathe in managers and in management.

The only reason I'm persevering with this season is that I see these episodes as addressing a sadly all-too-common scenario, in which the expertise, commitment, and passion of the staff get pitted against the cost-cutting, rarefied, outsider-like influence of administrators.

It's a commentary on for-profit healthcare (which is strange for me as a non-American, but obviously relevant here, as it's a US series), how financial interests conflict with patient interests, and how the people at the heart of hospital work manage to deliver patient care despite being hamstrung by bureaucrats.

On a character level, it's also about how those with ASD deal with such top-down changes-changes that neurotypicals take in their stride without a second thought.

As the new boss declared she had ADHD when we first were introduced to her a couple episodes ago, it isn't a spoiler to mention it here. Depending on how these episodes play out, it could also (hopefully) be a constructive portrayal of how people with ADHD and those of us with ASD interact.

Being autistic, I know from experience that contact with ADHDers is often more unpleasant than with neurotypicals. But once lines of communication are established and we're each aware of the other's neurodivergence, there's definitely room for agreement and cooperation. Maybe even for solidarity.
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