Recommended for fans of the Millennium saga
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Millennium: The Girl in the Spider's Web" of 2018, directed by Fede Alvarez, is a bold attempt to expand the universe already established by Stieg Larsson's literary saga. However, while the film offers moments of adrenaline and a competent performance by Claire Foy as Lisbeth Salander, some significant flaws compromise its narrative cohesion.

**Positive Aspects:**

Claire Foy's Performance: Foy delivers a convincing performance as Lisbeth Salander, capturing her emotional complexity and intellectual prowess. Her portrayal of the talented hacker is one of the film's main strengths, standing out for her ability to convey both vulnerability and fierceness.

Action Sequences: The film features electrifying and well-choreographed action sequences, particularly the street and road chases. However, fight scenes suffer from excessive cuts, making it difficult to understand what is happening. A notable example occurs in the final scene, where the dim lighting and frenetic editing hinder the visualization of the confrontations.

Relevant Themes: The film addresses pertinent issues such as information manipulation in the digital age, abuse of power by governments, and the pursuit of justice for victims of crimes. These themes add depth to the plot and offer important reflections on contemporary society.

**Negative Aspects:**

Screenplay: The film's screenplay is inconsistent at times, resulting in a confusing and underdeveloped plot. The narrative lacks cohesion and fails to maintain the viewer's interest throughout the story.

Character Development: Some secondary characters, such as Lisbeth's sister, Camilla, do not receive adequate attention, compromising the complexity and emotional impact of the story.

Lack of Originality: The plot follows a familiar formula of suspense and espionage, without offering innovative elements to differentiate it from other genre productions.

Throughout the plot, more than once Lisbeth could have been killed, but her enemies prefer to leave her unconscious. This narrative choice is understandable, as killing Lisbeth too early would end the film abruptly. However, it is at the climax of the film, during the peak of the confrontations, that finally a character decides to kill Lisbeth. Yet, once again, she narrowly escapes death. This scene, in which Lisbeth nearly suffocates, adds an extra element of tension to the unfolding of the plot.

While the film may not reach the same level of tension and depth as the original books, it still provides an exciting experience for fans of the Millennium series and espionage enthusiasts. However, for viewers less familiar with cutting-edge technology, some scenes may seem implausible, such as Lisbeth's hacking feats throughout the film, not limited to a crucial chase scene where she hacks and triggers the airbag of the pursued car, but also involving other characters. In summary, "Millennium: The Girl in the Spider's Web" is a worthy addition to the saga, with a Lisbeth Salander who continues to intrigue with her courage and intelligence. If you enjoy mysteries, action, and a fearless protagonist, this film is definitely worth watching.
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