Review of Raw

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Raw (2005)
Season 7, Episode 6
SVU is not a good show
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The episode has some great ideas with a Nazi group, a mystery bomb, a murderous Nazi kid, a school shooting. Overall the ideas are great and the mystery element has some neat ideas too. Unfortunately it's a giant mess. Instead of it being a mystery slowly being solved like in the original Law & Order we just jump to new points. School shooting from a sniper, Nazi group with hundreds of members, an FBI agent that reveals herself as she shoot a Nazi kid who just shot the judge and multiple officers so she had to kill him. Several leads being shot. A pedo being beaten as the cops revealed his name to the victim's mother - yet such errors are not even procesecuted. Then we uncover that a prison guard hired the sniper to shoot his adopted Black kid to get the insurance money which he would then split with the Nazi group for setting up the school shooting. The whole thing just jumps from point to point which is a damn shame as the twist and mystery is pretty damn clever. The whole concept and steps are good ideas, but it just cannot work if you don't give it time and don't give the viewer clues. We just see new stuff being uncovered and don't see them finding any of the clues. They just talk about clues they found as they present them as evidence.

SVU is a huge letdown. I'm trying to watch it again and again as Law & Order is a work of art. But I just can't get into it. I am even starting with the highest rated episodes. This show is a joke. It's cheap melodrama.
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