I'm disappointed a bit kinda so rushed
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wait a minute, instead of dealing with those time-consuming and annoying makeshift DIY grenades one by one with turned General, why didn't they use military resources of produced C4? Wasn't there CRM's homemade C4 or Claymore mines? I'm pretty sure they had those, right? I mean, if he could fly a helicopter, why not load it with missiles to a Little Bird for bombing? And surviving that corrosive gas and grenade explosion with just a tent and water and normal gears? Remember those herders who are surfing died from the gas before? Their eyes and skin were severely damaged, right? Even if we overlook these plot holes, the final plan they've been passionately discussing, especially characters like Anne and Thorne / General with their unique personalities and convincing acting, ended up being just Anne's rehearsed lines? Wasn't it too easy and simple? I wish Rick had struggled more before making a decision

and I wanted some humor in the elevator scene. It's like they abruptly ended the grand secret final operation that had been built up to that point, with General being assassinated by a sword. It's unbelievable.

Keeping Negan alive and then killing Thorne feels a bit off to me. And Thorne the Latin girl dying in the same way, being stabbed by Michonne and then saying, 'I hope you guys are right. I was totally wrong.' giving her gas mask away and been eaten by zombie and also suffered gas to died alone? That's extremely painful! In a way, I respect her. Anyone who rebels even slightly against Rick's family ideals dies. Yeah, it's survival of the fittest, as the title suggests. This is the Freedom. It feels like a typical American movie, too cliché and a bit disappointing. In the end, both Rick's and Thorn or General's justice seem warped, don't they? Overall, the ending felt so rushed. The scene where they finally reunite the truly grown-up children was good one, but only the children were shown, and it focused more on Rick's abandonment at first than on Michonne. And It was too short and could have been more touching. His daughter, though, surprisingly she had grown so fast that makes me feel time flies...

So, did they fast forward a bit too much to the extinction of all humanity? They have unlimited resources in their utopia now, accepting psychopaths and feral humans as they please or not. If your family turns into zombies, hide them in the barn or basement until use them for mad scientist of experiments from Omaha or just wait it for science advances. They might be saved or not. At least until those zombies escape and it becomes a repeat of endless zombie apocalypse era.

I can't wait for Daryl's continuation! Bring him back to France! Why not to stay in the France! He's definitely continuing on a solo wandering trip! Oh, I see the next season now. Daryl returns with souvenirs for the Rick family, and now they all go on a raid to France! Interfering in the name of justice, just like some evil army! The Rick family is truly the strongest in the universe and deserves to be loved under the so many dead one. I hope they live longer.
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