Ben & Ara (2015)
A boring 'romance' with the biggest downer ending ever.
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ben is an atheist writer. Ara is a Muslim student. They meet together at an art gallery and fall in love more-or-less straight away, even if they don't realise it yet.

They have lots of pretentious conversations about culture, religion and philosophy, which to these ears at least was the epitome of boredom. Still, not to worry, eh? At still have the romance to look forward to...

Well actually, no we don't as he is as dull as ditchwater, and she is a bit more interesting but doesn't really have that much chemistry with Mr David Duchovny-lite.

After a while, Ara falls pregnant and they seem ready to settle down together, but then out of the blue Ben finds out he made another woman who he was seeing before he met Ara 'in the family way'... and she plans on KEEPING the baby.

So, what does Ara decide? She dumps him on the spot, has an abortion, fully commits back to the religion she's spent most of the film being a passive follower of at best and worst of all, agrees to an arranged marriage with a dude who she doesn't even like.

Wow. Just, wow. I can understand having second thoughts over your boyfriend because you find he's expecting a child with someone else, but butchering your own future in the process? I believe they call that a 'self inflicted injury'. In any case it sucks, and doesn't just end the movie on a bad taste... it practically empties the entire bottle of castor oil down your throat.

I suppose this seriously unsatisfying conclusion is meant to prove the point that 'some things just aren't mean to be' and 'the gap between their two lifestyles was too wide', but I just saw it as a tacked-on finale which was probably put into not offend any religious sensibilities out there. In other words, fear wrote the script.

So what was a very tedious film to begin with full of padding in the middle turns into an absolute horror show by the end, because they take any possible happiness for our characters and throw it back in our faces with a 10 ton weight attached. I'm all for 'surprise' twists, but when they feel as disheartening and frustrating as this one...

Nope. Not having it. Get ye gone. 1/10.
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