A brilliantly crafted docuseries that offers a chilling glimpse into the actions of a predator and the devastating effects of grooming
4 April 2024
I recently watched the docuseries Stolen Youth: Inside the Cult at Sarah Lawrence (2023) on Hulu. The storyline follows a group of college students at a smaller arts school in upstate New York. When the father of one of the students moves into their home, he begins offering advice and guidance to the students, eventually manipulating them and establishing a cult and sex trafficking operations.

Created by Zach Heinzerling (Black Gold) this series delves into every parent's worst nightmare. It focuses on a predator who preys on young individuals navigating the complexities of life, seeking guidance from a respected individual for their opinions and outlooks. He exploits this trust to groom his victims, leading them to prioritize his authority over their own families and friends. As they become ensnared in his manipulation, they struggle to maintain their sense of self and reality, resulting in a terrifying portrayal of the impact of grooming.

In conclusion, Stolen Youth: Inside the Cult at Sarah Lawrence is a brilliantly crafted docuseries that offers a chilling glimpse into the actions of a predator and the devastating effects of grooming. I would score this a 9/10 and strongly recommend it.
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