A Dismally Amateurish Mess
5 April 2024
The lead actor Paddy is the only bright spot in this festering glob of horrendous garbage. He has a powerful and intense persona, and if not for him this schlock would have been e one bad guy who was a pretty good actor, and that's Stuart Wolfenden. As for the rest, abysmmal acting and/or overacting just wrecked every scene. A very dull, droning soundtrack that I muted several times, and completely inappropriate to what's happening on screen. It's some of the worst lousy music you'll ever hear. Equal party vomit inducing and sleep inducing. And the stupid little car they drove around in was just pointlessly silly. So much scene chewing and padding. This fil could have been an extremely effective 20 minute short. Atrocious editing. Bad lighting. Cringe dialogue. Plot holes galore. They got nothing right with this one. I repeat, nothing. Not ever a good looking girl for eye candy to spice up an otherwise bland movie. Never mind the fact that the bad dudes had a chance to end it all with one shot, but instead just drove away. Yeah, that makes a ton of sense. Handheld camera work and random flashbacks adntirely unwatchable. I have never seen such a promising idea of revenge botched in such a revolting fashion. It was annoyingly stupid, and instantly forgettable. The so-called antagonists are foolish clowns, and don't emanate a hint of menace. Movies should make a little bit of sense, shouldn't they? Why would a bunch of grown men torment and brutalize a young mentally challenged man for nothing more that morbid entertainment? Zero sense. There's actuallyded to the many failures in this effort. You will be woefully disappointed if you attempt to endure this one.
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