An agonizingly slow plot that does not pay off
5 April 2024
This has to be one of the most glacially paced movies I have seen in a long time. Far too much time is spent showing us the pain and mourning that a group of "friends" is going through a full year after one of them is lost to a mysterious suicide. Their pain is so magnified as to seem only a few days fresh, but a full year later? That stretches credibility pretty far.

Unfortunately, the ending feels so cheap, contrived, and sudden that the earlier slow pace now seems to have been stretched out only to fill the length required to qualify as a movie instead of a TV episode.

Georgia Lock seems like she might be a decent movie actress, but unfortunately, her character in this movie is so shallow and one-dimensional that it's impossible to tell. Hopefully she'll get a chance to show better what she's capable of doing with a higher-quality script.
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