A true video nasty. Absolute rubbish
6 April 2024
What was Vincent price doing in rubbish like this?

Easy money obviously.

This is a vile film in every way.

The production values couldn't be lower.

The acting is as bad as it gets.

The depiction of ritual abuse is abominable.

To call this, gratuitous is an understatement.

Vincent ihas very little screen time. He clearly was brought in to bolster credibility and viewing figures.

I love films like the tingler. They are wonderful cheap horror.

Witchfinder General is cheap and horrible This is a true video nasty that is nasty.

It's hard to believe that Vincent wouid appear in garbage like this just for easy money.

Unfortunately that's exactly why his made this awful film.

The only thing Horrifying about this film is the fact that it ever got made.
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