Dagr (2024)
VERY British dark comedy found footage!
7 April 2024
I personally loved it and agree with the reviewers - if you GET the slightly odd British humour, you'll love this! So deliciously silly, but with a genuine creepiness that stayed with me for hours afterwards.

Bear in mind that this is a very low-budget film shot on iPhone. Saying that, what they've done with it is extremely well put together.

I love that they spend the time to get to know the characters properly, so that we care about what happens to them. Too many no-budget found footage films never spend the time or effort in creating real characters, and this was a breath of fresh air.

There are lots of tiny hidden things that you'll miss if you're not careful, which also means it deserves a second viewing.

I think this will definitely find its audience, but if you're after a load of gore, then maybe look for something else.
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