Monster Mash (2024)
Cheesy, campy, and oddly enjoyable...
8 April 2024
I have to say that the movie's title made me stop and have a gander. And of course, I had to sit down and watch it, on account of it being a horror movie that I hadn't already seen, and one that had icon horror creatures such as Dracula, the mummy, the werewolf, the Invisible Man and Frankenstein in it.

Sure, I had neve heard about the movie, so I didn't know what I was in for. But I have to say that with Michael Madsen being on the cover, then I wasn't really expecting a whole lot. And when the movie started and those two dreaded words, The Asylum, popped up on the screen, my expectations went from slim to none.

I can't claim to say that writer and director Jose Prendes delivered a particularly impressive script for the movie. Sure, it was watchable for the cheesy rubbish that it was, but if you're here in search for a properly entertaining creature feature, then "Monster Mash" will leave you sorely disappointed.

The narrative in "Monster Mash" is pretty sluggish and slow paced with very little of anything overly interesting happening. And that made sitting through the movie quite an ordeal.

Of the entire cast ensemble in "Monster Mash", I was actually only familiar with Michael Madsen. The acting performances in "Monster Mash" was okay. Sure, you're not in for any award-winning performances here, but the acting performances were actually fair for a movie such as what it turned out to be.

The effects in the movie were fairly okay too. Not top of the line, of course, but certainly good enough. And for a movie brought to us by The Asylum, then the effects were not too shabby, well except for that atrocious CGI animated beastial creature that looked like something from an early 1990s computer game. What were they thinking with approving that for the movie? And the scene with the giant beast and the giant bat, well that just was an eyesore. It was as if they hadn't added the final details and textures, sort of if you were looking at a rough draft of what they wanted the scene to look like.

Cheesy? Check. Low budget? Check. Enjoyable? Check, well if you enjoy these sort of dubious horror movies.

My rating of "Monster Mash" lands on a five out of ten stars.
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