Muscles vs. Magic
8 April 2024
Parody anime has a mixed bag of results. Tropes from other anime or live-action settings are parodied, but to truly stand out, a work of humor must constantly be spot-on; sadly, this one fell short consistently. It is plainly a spoof of magic schools such as Hogwarts, but in most cases, it just doesn't work that well. You might think I'm "taking a parody anime too seriously," but there wasn't much to enjoy when the majority of the characters were the biggest jerks with no real depth.

I recently received a box of cream puffs, so if this animation was meant to be a commercial, it was a success.

Mashle's second season was a letdown, despite not really being that different from the first. But that's the issue. Mashle was intended to be a parody of fantasy themes, particularly those related to Harry Potter, but it stumbled into the same pitfall that most parodies do. Rather than deliberately mocking the clichés seen in fantasy literature, it exaggerates them to cover up the shoddy writing.
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