Review of Sugar

Sugar (2024– )
Really good. Just watch the entire season.
9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Has a timeless quality of "Hollywood" past and present coexisting: the more things change the more they stay the same in a scintillating "noir is forever" kind of ambiance. Sugar is your classic private eye specializing in missing people. He's aware that seeing some evil people doing horrible stuff out there he wants to put some kindness out there to balance out the human suffering in this world. Amazing casting. Interesting cinematography angles. Beautiful color: whoever worked on that in post did a gorgeous job. Locations are quintessential Los Angeles. Cast of characters well done in leading up to seeing what happens in future episodes. Anyone upset that the entire mystery was not solved in the first episode: that's not how episodic mysteries work: give this racehorse time to circle the track. It's got a good story pacing building up for a first episode. Give it a chance. See it through to the last episode. Amy Ryan is amazing in this. That woman is a chameleon with her range of characters.
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