Doctor Slump (2024)
Strong points
10 April 2024
... But not too many. It seems this show wants to do everything. Don't get me wrong, lots of KDramas manage to pull that off. Just not this one.

The mental health angle is great, but underdone. The revenge twist is decent, but not fleshed out. The characters have practically no backstory, even the two leads. The romance is tepid, at best.

The PHS - PSH pairing just doesn't work. I've seen PSH in other shows; she always gives the same, narrow-range, wooden performance. There's only so much PHS can do to coax anything out of his co-lead; she just doesn't seem responsive.

On the other hand, it seems PHS has come into his own. This probably wasn't the best vehicle for him to prove that. Or maybe its two-dimensional backdrop gave him the needed room to shine. Whatever the reason, there's no doubting his emotional range or physical comedy skills.
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