Emotionally mature relatives dealing with crime
13 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Directed by the renowned Hans-Christian Schmid, this movie draws an intense and realistic picture of close family members which have to deal with greedy kidnappers of the father of a wealthy family. Just because they try to stay sane and rational (neither cold nor distant), in the beginning still trusting in the profiency of the police, it does not mean that this makes the story boring. Not least because that crime really happened. As a translator (like that other poster before me) you might perceive the film at a different pace whilst working at the text, so yes, maybe "not much action" could become boring to you, but not to the regular viewer. This is actually not an action movie, but rather a study of emotionally mature people realising that police aren't any helpful at all and having to take things into their own hands. I found the performances of all actors very believable and can recommend this film. 8/10.
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