Vineet is Mallu Karan Johar
14 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What was the idea here? Brotherhood friendship bromance !!

By interval it was over. There was nothing to be said more. But an entire half was added.

It was like watching an 80s film, cliché after cliches. I face-palmed when Annie came back. Bloody hell, can you not construct a better storyline here. Everything in the 2nd half undid any freshness that was left from first half.

Many people said super acting by Dhyan as an old person. What was his age? 70s? Why is he acting like he is suffering from some unconquerable disease.

Two friends, find each other and lose each other. Throughout the movie. Over and over again. Face palm o face palm!!

By the time the pulled the curtains, and delivered one hit together....... Nothing established to say how Dhyan is a good story teller or director. Ok so Pranav's character one, just one tune and we are told he is the greatest musician. He gives it away, and then suddenly acts toxic and we are to hate the receiver.

Ladies have no role in this. Kalyani acting prowess is so limited that she appears nice here too, because she has nothing to do.

Only people where redeemed by their performances were YG Mahendiran, Nivin and NJ to some extent.

Thanks Vineet. You have lost it!! Never again.
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