Repo Jake (1990)
Sixty-Four Slices of American Cheese
15 April 2024
The first 3.5 minutes to 'Repo Jake' is watching the main character walk the streets of LA ... no joke. This PM Entertainment Group flick is barely able to reach 90 minutes and you better believe the writing is cornball. Lovers of bad movies, cheese will walk away with some laughs courtesy of the everyday man, but this is the type of low level shtick they don't make anymore and for good reason. Somewhere in hell there's a tv station playing these movies on repeat.

Jake Baxter (Dan Haggerty) comes to town, saves Jenny (Dana Bently) from a purse snatcher, rents an apartment in her building and begins work right away as a repoman. When he's not busy grabbing vehicles or chatting her up, he finds himself roped into driving in an illegal boxcar racing championship by his co-workers. There's a big cash prize up for grabs, but things get complicated when he repo's the car of a low level hood Lincoln King (Robert Axelrod) who threatens Jenny's life if Jake doesn't wins the race.

Watching a big burly man like Haggerty climb into a racecar is a sight in itself, but it's the plot that takes the cake here. Talking about returning to Minnesota, leaving Jenny mid-meal that she prepared and is afraid is no good by telling her he has to go repo cars. Some gratuitous female nudity, one note bad guys and some dated rapping from his co-workers. That's not even touching on some wacky or cheap scenarios where he does his job repossessing cars.

'Repo Jake' is a film you do best not to think about seriously. Question what's the point. None of the drama, characters are particularly fun or noteworthy. It's one of those b-movies in search of a reason to exist. My favorite part was the purse snatching at the start and the horrible extra who plays the shopkeeper. Who doesn't seem to be able to feel any sort of emotion as his glass windows are broken and two people throw fists inside his business.
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