Completely unfollowable.
16 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I defy anyone to explain to me what is actually happening in this movie. Something about a contract killer. That's all I could figure out. Oh and in Afghanistan the main character has a disagreement with a fellow soldier. Don't ask me how or if that was resolved or what it had to do with anything else in the film.

Roughly 75% of the dialogue is inaudible. The sets consist of two apartments and a few hotel rooms, which are re-used for different scenes and I honestly don't know if they were supposed to be different locations according to the story or if the characters were returning to the same apartment.

I would also add that the ending felt abrupt and didn't make much sense. Actually, it may make perfect sense if you understood anything that happened prior, which no one who will ever see this film will.

Loved it. Challenge a friend to explain the plot after they watch it.
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