We need to take an action!
18 April 2024
This film addresses the problem of the accumulation of millions of tons of plastic in the world's oceans and its impact on the environment. In the film, the scenes clearly show that people do not value environment and water, which they themselves are made of eighty percent. This is sad, but nevertheless many people have been telling the public for years that it is time to take an action about this big issue. It is all started when a journalist Craig Leeson searched the endless waters for the elusive blue whale, and instead came across an enormous amount of plastic waste in what should have been a clean and pristine ocean which made him think deeply about this problem. Then, he pairs up with a professional diver Tanya Streeter who also assembled an impressive team of scientists and researchers around the world wo are as well concerned about plastic waste in oceans. Altogether they set off on an exciting and also educational journey in 20 different locations for a few years. They dived and explored deep oceans and came to a big conclusion: more and more plastic gets into oceans every year which is a serious threat for not only us, but for our planet too. Along these conclusions, there is an urge for people to at least think about the outcomes of throwing plastic into the water.

Plastic is the most common form of persistent marine litter and is one of the most serious problems facing marine ecosystems. Although it's difficult to measure, but about 8 million metric tons of plastic are added to our oceans each year. From the film's storyline, I understood that plastic is responsible for harming marine life, public health, and the economy on a global level. Unlike some other types of waste, plastic does not completely decompose, therefore, it will remain in the ocean for centuries. Plastic pollution also indefinitely leads to environmental hazards such as transfer of non-native species, habitat damage, and ingestion. In addition, marine debris is an economic mess that detracts from the beauty of natural coastal environments as Graig explored and showed ugly, littered coastal lands and plastic floating everywhere in the water.

As ocean plastic pollution continues to rise and will get worse, unless we take action. Plastic is in our waterways which threat the water quality and marine food sources. Microplastic enters the food chain and threats our health. It seems to me that people not only don't care about beautiful marine life full of fishes, whales, dolphins, etc., but their health too! This was a wonderful film, full of examples indicating me to start taking an action today which includes using less plastic stuff as possible, recycle, and participate/volunteer in cleanups.
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