Review of Die'ced

Die'ced (2023)
Terrifier dvd ordered from Wish . Com and that's being kind.
18 April 2024
Not even sure where to start.

First the positives.

Nice clear image.

Some decent trolley shots, one very nice Drone shot.

The two main lead bro and Sister acting was quite good considering what had to work with.

This is obviously a very low budget film and I congratulate anyone that can get off your ass to get one made. I feel with a better script (this was terrible) the director may have potential.

Every shot was of course totally unoriginal, stolen from better slashers but he tried.

The script was so full of holes you could drive through them. Each scene had huge flaws and some made zero sense at all.

Pointless music over scenes were unnecessary and at times drown out dialogue.

The guy playing the escaped mental patient (sigh!! How original) was massively inept. Zero acting skills and the worst Art the Clown impression ever. The little skips he did were puzzling and embarrassingly camp. Zero menace.

The kills were so badly choreographed. No tension or feeling it was real or brutal at all. Found myself rolling my eyes at the inept way they were portrayed. They at least attempted to be gory but simply pointlessly cutting and arm or hand off really isn't that satisfying. Especially a cheap Halloween prop.

Why was the first guy killed putting on make up when it was the night 'before' Halloween??

The father and his constant bellyaching and out of the blue "oh he may have killed your mother" dropped into conversation!? Worst dialogue. Who wrote this script it's so bad.

They stop in a cafe for a drink and food, maybe this was one of the films sponsors and they had to film there because it was a totally pointless scene. And of course yet another rip off of Terrifier. She says she is starving and they order a sandwich and a croissant. Neither of them touch them .....probably because the waiter keeps coming over and hassling them asking if everything is good and enjoying the meal!? Go away!?

They leave and this then leads to a pathetic attempt at humour which failed. And was another Art the Clown (Mime really) from Wish . Com rip off.

Luckily the two siblings were good enough actors to save a couple of scenes. But it was so unnatural conversations. Purely just to drop plot context in as quick as possible as needed some sort of plot. (There is very little plot at all) The mother having an affair and then going missing. And then we are supposed to be shocked at the end with the supposed twist. That made me laugh out loud!? Really!? Stevie Wonder would have seen that coming. Ha ha.

The cops at end just casually stroll in. Those guys must've worked for free as no way they are actors in real life as terrible. Where was their direction. Where was the realism. Surely the director could see that was a mess.

Editing was all over the place. The so called party looked like a snooze fest. They were bored as soon as hey got there !?

Why was he struggling to get between the pallets when she got thrown them easily and he is actually skinnier than her!? And you could see he had lots of room. How do you look at that scene in editing and not think the same? You are seeing exactly the same thing we are.

The director tried, bless him. Got to give him that. So I'll give him an extra point for that but there is no originality at all and the stealing from Terrifier is cringe. Especially as it's done so poorly. He works hard constantly posting his posters and links to the film in every Horror group on social media. So credit for putting the hours in. But it's nothing if when they go look at it they see this mess.

Luckily I saw it for free. I'd never pay for this. It's about 45mins long without the credits. And it just left me shaking my head. Laughing at the clearly rubber sledgehammer used repeatedly. So I guess he'll return and they'll have to say he's supernatural because no one could survive what happened to him. Sadly he did. So the world will be subjected to another film.

I really hope he has learned some valuable lessons. Get a decent script. Learn how to edit and leave a scene that works and isn't illogical.

This shouldn't have been released like this. It looked rushed. Zero script or story that made sense.

So unoriginal. Blatantly stolen cash in character.

He told me the next one will have bigger budget. Well. It wasn't the budget that made this so bad. I can forgive budget restraints. But not illogical scenes and bad scripts. Lazy gore when was promised carnage. He obviously lied because wanted us to see it and many have. Doesn't mean they liked it.

Which judging by the score they didn't.

You only get one chance at things and I hope for his sake he didn't blow it by rushing this poor effort out. Tarnishs names.

Sadly this is Pooh Blood and Honey level trash.
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