Boring AF, takes place in 1800s Old West, tedious to watch, I keep looking at the time and pausing the show because Robert England's narration puts me in a stupor
21 April 2024
I'm sorry fans of this actor, I'm sure he's otherwise lovely but his way of delivering his lines here, his voice and the rest of this show puts me to sleep! There's only been 1 episode that I found interesting, so I tried to watch more, but the fact that it's divided into 3 stories doesn't even help to pick up the pace: stories are slow-paced, some of the actors are over the top but I think the most boring thing here is that it takes place in the old west; we're talking 1800s and I have zero affinities for that history! ZZZzzz you can be sure I never had any past lives over there LOL

in conclusion I'm glad it was canceled.
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