Kaam Chalu Hai: Rajpal Yadav Proves Great Caliber Again
21 April 2024
Kaam Chalu Hai is a great creation that delineates the struggle, hope, expectation, despair, agony and above all tragedy of a common man realistically and artistically. The film surpasses the debate about whether the theme is based on a real incident or not. This can be a story for everyone.

Plot-The film can be divided into Three parts.

1st Part- The film follows a straight lineup for the first 34 minutes, and this duration depicts the hope, aspiration and expectation of a middle-class Indian family who dares to dream amidst struggle and hardship. The film's duration is dedicated to the sweet relationship between father and daughter. The film revolves around the hope of a little girl to become a successful cricketer in life. The other dimensions of the film are the sequences, songs, practice sessions, classroom teaching, and the household affairs of Manoj Patil narrates the story, and the action revolves around the household affairs of a family. Nevertheless, this segment of the film does not seem dull or monotonous because of the stunning performance of Rajpal Yadav and Kurangi Nagraj, who have played the role of Rajpal's daughter.

2nd part The film suddenly shifts dramatically as Manoj Patil's scooter encounters a fatal accident. The agony and desperation of a loving father lifting his wounded daughter on the street to reach the hospital for the treatment of his most loved one in the world.

Scenes- 1. Cremation 2. Manoj repairing the cricket bat of his dead daughter 3. Manoj searching for his dead daughter in her school and cricket-coaching centre 4. Manoj laments sitting near the spot where accident took place

3rd Part Uneven Fight Against the System: Duration 56th minute to Not Murder but touch of Affection Wins One Man Army to Heal the Wound Larger Message- Humanity and Values Win

Characterisation Rajpal Yadav, as Manoj Patil, has made another stunning all-around performance for this exceptionally talented actor. The whole action revolves around Rajpal Yadav, who has done justice in depicting all emotions through his unparalleled performance.

Kurangi Nagra- A potential actress with all probabilities to emerge on the larger canvas.

Giaa Manek has realistically portrayed the role of an ideal Housewife, a mother and wife.

Remarks- This is a must watch film and yet another great performance of Rajpal Yadav. Do watch.
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