Skeptic or Believer?
22 April 2024
I need some backstory on the person that is telling their story about their experience at that location or event. Did their Mother die Monday? Father died Tuesday? Brother died Wednesday? Sister died Thursday? Wife and children died Friday! Person went to mount Shasta or wherever, to ask for help from the spirits or unknown entities of the mountain or whatever it is? If they didn't get help within a certain time frame, they would kill themselves? Did They drink 1.75 liters of vodka that day? Did they smoke 2 joints? Do 5 lines of cocaine? Do heroin? Meth? Are they medicated on mental health meds or other? Taking their meds or not? Schizophrenic?

I need to know the details of the person telling the story, in order to Believe the story. And that goes for all storyteller's of the paranormal and Unexplained. Once I can believe the authenticity of the storyteller's STATE IS MIND, then I WON'T BELIEVE THE STORY. If a filmmaker can replicate this recipe, you'll have a Very successful career, show, movie, whatever and will be rewarded whatever You Desire!! Good Luck! That's what WE ALL WANT!!!?

Should a group of 10 or more individuals with clear minds, with no trauma experiences over 6 months? Year? Ever? Go to these places to document their experience at these locations? Should we send individuals to these locations? What will it take to turn All of Us Skeptics into Believers? I want to know so I can have the experience? What will it take?
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